Tuesday, December 7, 2010

#16 Finish the Md-term and waiting for the next thing!

I have finish my SPAM project, but sadly I don't feel  great about it. I am a artist and I love to do BIG project. I arrive with my project and I took a look around the others project, I forgot to tell you. It was a judge pick project. The Rule to drop off the project and come back at 6 to see who the winning of the class and finding the new idea for the next project. I look around and found a few cool project about SPAM. The one project was a SPAM baby, I am not kidding, this guy create that look like a baby out of SPAM. Once I saw it, I had a feeling that person will wins easy and I might be okay.

After I came back from my break and arrive in class at 6, I was hoping that the judge will like mine. It might not too "art", but it is art to me. The winner is....not me. I don't really care about winning and losing since everyone have their rise and fall, The baby SPAM was the talk in the class and I knew it because it was bad-ass project. Now talking about the SPAM baby, I wish I could take a picture of it! Oh well, The teacher will know what I am talking about. NEW PROJECT! wait....not yet, we did not start talking about the project yet. We  sit and watch different artist, but through out the video...I kept saying myself, what the next project gonna be...tell me...tell me...TELL ME! Well, I gotta wait for next time and hoping she will say it.

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