Tuesday, December 7, 2010

#22 Is shoe fashion art?

Wow, school is almost over I cant believe it fast! I am happy that school is almost over, I am so ready for Christmas and hang out with my family for more! I miss my dogs and everyone home.

Today, I went shopping for shoes and I wonder is shoe art? I was looking at different colors of shoes and shape of shoes. Take a look at my Outline...

Air Jordon
high heel

Men: Nike running shoes
Woman: Nike running shoes too
Men: no high heel
Woman: Love high heel
Men: work boots
Woman: fancy boots
Men: don't care what brand
Woman: worry about the brand
Men: worry about the cost
Woman: Don't care they have a credit card
Men: ruin their shoes
Woman: keep it clean
kind of shoes I got
Men: don't own many shoes
girls boot
Woman: own a lot of shoes, I mean  a lot

So what you think? is shoe art or not? let me know.

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